Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Wicked Windmill Wednesday Weekly

"On the 29th June, 76 children from Springfield Primary School enjoyed their third day at the glorious PGL site known to the locals as Windmill Hill. The sun beat down upon their bonny faces as every single one took part in four well-led activities and three hearty meals. One young man even celebrated his 11th birthday."

Group 1
Today's activities were: trapeze, fencing, jacobs ladder and challenge course.
Quote of the Day : “Jaz, Jaz, Jaz, Jaz, JAZ, JAZ, JAZ” All of the group chanting Jazmine’s name in order to encourage her to complete the leap of faith and grab the trapeze
Picture of the day:
Group 2
Today's activities were: fencing, trapeze,challenge course and jacobs ladder .
Quote of the Day : After spending the majority of the day in harnesses, Miss Grove’s whole group decided that “Today is Wedgie Wednesday!”
Picture of the day:

Group 3
Today's activities were: canoeing, sensory trail, trapeze and fencing.
Quote of the Day : This fencing is just fantastic – I would love to do it as a job!” Daniel Ramsay
Picture of the day:
Group 4
Today's activities were: sensory trail, canoeing, fencing and trapeze.
Quote of the Day : The instructors have commented on how polite George Calder has been.
Picture of the day:

Group 5
Today's activities were
: zip wire, problem solving, canoeing and sensory trail.
Quote of the Day : “The best thing I’ve ever done in the whole of my life!” – Charlie Rowland
Picture of the day:

Group 6
Today's activities were: problem solving, zip wire,sensory trail and canoeing.
Quote of the Day : One of the girls in Miss Willsmer’s group asked “Have you got any more toilet roll as we’re running out?” the reply by a very helpful, sporty Year Five boy with blonde hair and the initials of AW was……“Have ours, we never use it!”
 Picture of the day:

Group 7
Today's activities were: raft building, orienteering, zip wire and challenge course. 
Quote of the Day“All ladies are proper little madams… so that’s why I am!” - Sheree Marvin
 Picture of the day:
Sam Gillard zipping through the air.

...... and finally the birthday boy - Happy Birthday Michael.



  1. Looks like everyone's having fun. Seeing these pictures and comments makes us feel like we're there with you all! Carry on having fun, see you fri - if you can get them to come home! lol x Rachel Brothers x

  2. wow sounds like you're ALL having such a brilliant time. Great seeing the food menus - you're so lucky! Thanks for the blog, tweets and photos and keep them coming. from Michele Phillips xxx

  3. Im so please to see all the lovely pictures of the kids having so much fun, it looks a smashing place and the food menu sounds great, when i was reading my mouth was watering mmmm. Enjoy the rest of your stay and look forward seeing you fri. ps Happy Birthday to micheal yesturday xxx

  4. Wow, what a brilliant place to be! Looks like you are all having an amazing time!
    Thankyou so much for the contact. It's wonderful to see all the new experiences the children are participating in.
    Just one question...... can I go next time pleaaaasssse!!!
    Have fun guys xxx

  5. hey guys wish i was there with u all. Happy Birthday Michael, sorry I couldn't be there for it :(. Oh well.
    At least i got to eat a pizza of epic awesomeness at Frankie and Benny's!:):):)
