Thursday 30 June 2011

Thoughts of Thursday

So this is the last full blog we will be sending from Windmill Hill and the day started like any other, no need for cockerels as the children have a built in bio-clock that is set to 'Half-past Early'. This is probably due to the fact they have been having an immense amount of fun and can not wait to get on with the activities. There has been much anticipation about this day ever since they saw the small video clip of the giant swing seven weeks ago back at school. Due to this fact there was a certain hubbub amongst the children and, with beans on the menu yesterday, a slight smell of fear was also in the air!

The giant swing is a new activity that involves team work, personal targets and a massive release of adrenaline. Two volunteers are willingly strapped to a suspended metal bar between two huge wooden pylons via cables. Every spare group member must then put their backs into wrenching the two brave children up towards the heavens. Upon reaching a designated point the pair have to pull a quick release rope that instantly releases them and they swing at a rate of knots like a huge pendulum. High pitch screeches are then consequently heard around the campus from both the girls and boys that quickly change to sounds of jubilation and giggling.

This activity was summed up best by the look on Luke's face in the photo bellow.

After another successful day of activities where children exceeded their individual targets and learnt many new skills the dinning hall was calling to refuel their tired bodies. Immediately after, the gift shop was open where many children bought treasured items that will remind them and you of this amazing week. Be prepared for beautiful fridge magnets, paper weights and soft rock or other such glorious items.

A quick change into a mixture of posh frocks, smart shirts and clothes not worn since Tuesday and it was off to the disco. Many boys busted many a move in order to impress and the girls stood and giggled. However, the highlight of the evening was Mr Bird, Mrs Churchett, Mr Davies, Miss Grove and the PGL staff on the stage giving it large to YMCA. Surprisingly after the disco ended the children returned to their chalets and immediately started to pack their bags and get ready for some well earned shut eye.

Group 1 - Photo of the Day

Group 2 - Photo of the Day

Group 3 - Photo of the Day

Group 4 - Photo of the Day

Group 5 - Photo of the Day

Group 6 - Photo of the Day

Group 7 - Photo of the Day

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Wicked Windmill Wednesday Weekly

"On the 29th June, 76 children from Springfield Primary School enjoyed their third day at the glorious PGL site known to the locals as Windmill Hill. The sun beat down upon their bonny faces as every single one took part in four well-led activities and three hearty meals. One young man even celebrated his 11th birthday."

Group 1
Today's activities were: trapeze, fencing, jacobs ladder and challenge course.
Quote of the Day : “Jaz, Jaz, Jaz, Jaz, JAZ, JAZ, JAZ” All of the group chanting Jazmine’s name in order to encourage her to complete the leap of faith and grab the trapeze
Picture of the day:
Group 2
Today's activities were: fencing, trapeze,challenge course and jacobs ladder .
Quote of the Day : After spending the majority of the day in harnesses, Miss Grove’s whole group decided that “Today is Wedgie Wednesday!”
Picture of the day:

Group 3
Today's activities were: canoeing, sensory trail, trapeze and fencing.
Quote of the Day : This fencing is just fantastic – I would love to do it as a job!” Daniel Ramsay
Picture of the day:
Group 4
Today's activities were: sensory trail, canoeing, fencing and trapeze.
Quote of the Day : The instructors have commented on how polite George Calder has been.
Picture of the day:

Group 5
Today's activities were
: zip wire, problem solving, canoeing and sensory trail.
Quote of the Day : “The best thing I’ve ever done in the whole of my life!” – Charlie Rowland
Picture of the day:

Group 6
Today's activities were: problem solving, zip wire,sensory trail and canoeing.
Quote of the Day : One of the girls in Miss Willsmer’s group asked “Have you got any more toilet roll as we’re running out?” the reply by a very helpful, sporty Year Five boy with blonde hair and the initials of AW was……“Have ours, we never use it!”
 Picture of the day:

Group 7
Today's activities were: raft building, orienteering, zip wire and challenge course. 
Quote of the Day“All ladies are proper little madams… so that’s why I am!” - Sheree Marvin
 Picture of the day:
Sam Gillard zipping through the air.

...... and finally the birthday boy - Happy Birthday Michael.


Tuesday 28 June 2011


The staff didn't need alarm clocks this morning, as it was reported that the first children were up, showered and changed at an impressive 5:30am! After a hearty breakfast of bacon, hash browns, tomatos, porridge, cereal and any other fantastic food on offer, we all eagerly rushed to our first activity. This was one of many different options to us that included orienteering, raft building, zip wire, climbing, jacobs ladder and many other awesome adventures.

After a short rest we swapped with another group and, without our feet touching the ground, continued with the activities. Before too long it was time to fill our bellies so we headed to the canteen for chicken carbobara, bolognase, galic bread and once again as much from the salad bar as we could handle. Tirelessly, the instructors played even more games with the children until it was time for round two of the day. New activities beconed; there was no stopping even with the faint rumble of thunder in the distance, and once again the children were on the go.

Once all groups had finished their four, hour and a half, sessions it was time for a much needed shower and change of clothing ready for dinner. Still in high spirits we all converged in the sports hall where a quick thirty minute game was played until it was time for us to be in the dining hall.

Finally, the day ended with all children taking their teddy bears down to the campfire to sing songs and to continue building upon new friendships.

Each group leader has taken many photos, but have selected a photo that best sums up the day for them and their group. We appologise as due to technical problems we have been unable to transfer group five's photo onto this blog. This glitch will be ironed out by tomorrow. We promise.

Monday 27 June 2011

The Journey, The Walk and The Sleeping.

11pm and time at last to update the blog as the majority of the children are now quiet but I doubt are sleeping as they are still buzzing from their adventurous day today.

After a relatively short two hour journey  we had a lovely lunch sitting in the sun before we went on our glorious walk. Due to the heat we decided to cut the walk short but still we had a fantastic adventure and broke the trail and discovered an old footpath back to the centre. The highlight of the walk was finding an old snake skin with eye sockets and all lying neatly at the side of the path.

On our return the children met their group leaders, Kat and Zach, who proceeded to entertain them with fun games until supper time. The choices were lasagna or fish fingers on top of as much salad as they could eat. A short break and then straight into the evening's activity - entitled "Scrap Heap Challenge". This challenge concluded with water bombs being caught in a devise designed and built by the children out of scrap materials won during races.

This took us up to about 9.15pm upon which time the children said goodnight, washed their faces, cleaned their teeth and quickly jumped straight into their sleeping bags to get some well deserved sleep - yeah right!

Children and adults alike are thoroughly looking forward to day 2 that will finish with sing songs around a campfire. We hope it's not too quiet for you at home.